Faced my greatest fear...

The doctor.

I'm not sure why I'm so terrified of the doctor, but I really am. I finally went today to find out what the heck is wrong with me.

And, I'm actually really grateful, because the first doctor I talked to was a Christian, so when she asked me all these questions about what's going on in my life now, it was a lot easier to explain. And she was actually filled with a ton of compassion and understanding. Sometimes that's all I want. Someone to acknowledge your pain and make you feel normal for experiencing it.

But then the hard part... They said I needed a shot and that they were going to take my blood to run some tests. Not horrible, right? Well, it took about 10 tries, 3 nurses, and 1 hour, before they were able to find my vein. In fact, they found it once, but then said it was no good because the blood was doing something funny. So it was back to ground zero. They were ready to refer me to the hospital to see a specialist, but then the third nurse was finally able to do it. Now I've got bandaids up and down my arms and a lot of bruises.

I guess you could say my fears were validated. :)

But, I'm also feeling very relieved. Now they can tell me if there is actually something wrong - if I'm lacking a vitamin or something. She said that if the shaking continues in about another 3 weeks, then she'll have me do some neurological exams, but we'll wait to see the blood tests first.

Anyways, pray that nothing too crazy is wrong with me and that, if there is, they'll figure it out. :)