
Dear Introverted friends,

I need your help.

I need some ideas of how to have fun. My idea of a good time is having lots of people over for a game night, or playing soccer with twelve other people, or putting on a play, or playing Murder Charades, or choreographing a dance routine...

And what does this all have to do with anything? It all involves people. Lots of people...or a place to be loud and crazy without annoying the neighbors which is also hard to come by. So what do I do when I'm alone, need some time to unwind and not think about really deep things, without having to organize a party or travel to a far away place?

Reading before bed has given me nightmares...perhaps I need a new kind of book? TV puts me to sleep. I can't sew or knit.

What do I do?

A desperate extrovert


Kimberly said...

How about a "field journal"? I'm starting one myself. The idea is to get a journal with rather thick pages (not flimsy), and as you read tid bits of things, find a quotation or verse, collect ticket stubs, pick a flower and let it dry, etc., you tape/glue them in and jot down a few lines. It's like "field journal" of daily impressions. Things that you find beautiful, encouraging. You can sketch or paste in a helpful e-mail from a friend. It's up to you. But a page a day- a mini project, not too overwhelming. But something you can look at to reflect. Something with "things" in it.

-from one such introvert

Kelly said...

I like that idea. I may just try it out. Thanks! :)