A Runner's Thoughts

Do you ever wonder what a runner thinks about when they're en route with no iPod or friend to talk to? Here's a little snap shot from my run this morning:

Oy...it's painful to be awake right now. Should I take the dirt path? Or the road? Dirt? What if I break an ankle...eh...what the hay...

I wonder what I'll have to do at work today... (Sinking feeling.) I have to say goodbye to Sudheer and Priya today. Science is stealing them to Texas. MAN I really hate goodbyes. How can God give me so much love for someone is so short of time? I had no idea when I started this job that I'd end up crying for a hours because I'm going to miss them so much.

Those two older men are wearing suits and the same hats. I wonder where they're from. Maybe Professors? Just taking a walk? Some cult? I bet they're in the mafia...

I wonder what Priya thinks about her new Telugu Bible. Will I still get to be a part of her life somehow and see how she continues growing spiritually while she's in Texas? I hope so.

"In-N-Out." Aagh...Don't want to smell that right now. Ooo...in four days I'll get to eat chocolate again!...Ok, don't think about food right now...

Why do I hope? It's so stinkin' painful. The more I hope and have faith the more I get hurt.

Ok. That freakin' street cleaning truck has been following me for five minutes now. If I could just run faster to get far enough ahead of him...DANG IT. I forfeit. Let me just stop and pretend to tie my shoe so he can pass me up.

Could I be like those grandmothers who pray for their children 45 years before seeing them experience Jesus? Or like one of those evangelists who really tries everything for a few years and fails miserably only to see God work wonders a couple years down the road? Jesus, what are you trying to teach me?

OH...the HILL... Minnie! I need you right now! 1,2,3...4,5,6...1,2,3...4,5,6...